Reflection and Self-Study Group

In our work environment, we are daily confronted with questions and issues that possibly cannot be answered unambiguously and which perhaps result in our resignation.

For those of us who wonder:

  • If our practices are adequate
  • If they have a substantial effect on the users of our services
  • If there are anthropocentric (person – centered) or disability-illness centered
  • If the rights of our fellow human beings who have been classified or declared "mentally ill" are being respected
  • If our education, training and experience are sufficient or whether we need additional

We can discuss and express our concerns in a reflection and self-study group. Anima’s employees took the initiative to seek out other students or professionals from the mental health field who would like to:

  • train continuously without being exploited by "authorities"
  • be informed on issues that concern them
  • Form an opinion on what is happening in the mental health field

The Reflection and Self – Study Group has no subject restrictions. It neither is managed nor controlled by anyone – not even by the agency’s administration – and it is not censored. It is a group primarily concerned with our own mental health...