Reflection and Self-Study Group

In our work environment, we are daily confronted with questions and issues that possibly cannot be answered unambiguously and which perhaps result in our resignation.

For those of us who wonder:

  • If our practices are adequate
  • If they have a substantial effect on the users of our services
  • If there are anthropocentric (person – centered) or disability-illness centered
  • If the rights of our fellow human beings who have been classified or declared "mentally ill" are being respected
  • If our education, training and experience are sufficient or whether we need additional

We can discuss and express our concerns in a reflection and self-study group. Anima’s employees took the initiative to seek out other students or professionals from the mental health field who would like to:

  • train continuously without being exploited by "authorities"
  • be informed on issues that concern them
  • Form an opinion on what is happening in the mental health field

The Reflection and Self – Study Group has no subject restrictions. It neither is managed nor controlled by anyone – not even by the agency’s administration – and it is not censored. It is a group primarily concerned with our own mental health...

Training and Internships

Having undertaken a difficult and ambiguous task, we almost immediately realized that the training of mental health professionals is probably the most important means to achieve our goals.

For this reason Anima:

  • Promotes on-the-job training programs and collaborates with a Vocational Training Centre to secure certified training for its employees,
  • Designs and implements specialized training programs, mandatory for volunteers who will take action at the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Unit,
  • Supports - sometimes financially - staff training in additional educational settings (Masters Programs, etc.)
  • Undertakes designing and implementing educational and experiential training programs for employees of other associations, upon request.
  • Enables students to carry out their internship in the field of rehabilitation, raising community awareness, organizing events, providing support services at home and / or scientific research under the guidance of trained professionals. Those interested, need to consult with their educational institution and our organization in order to determine the standard procedures (appoint an instructor and internship supervisor, establish timetables, determine educational goals, etc.).
  • Offers the opportunity to European Union’s University and Educational institution students to carry out their internship through the ERASMUS program.

Psychosocial and Rehabilitation Unit

ANIMA’s first and foremost basic activity is the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Unit "Anima", located in Korydallos which has been operating since May 29, 2006.

The especially designed and equipped area of 650 square meters hosts 15 men and women formerly confined in the Psychiatric Hospital of Attiki "Dromokaiteio" and - at least for the duration of their stay - this place, is their home.

Having recognized that the main problems our unit’s residents face are chronic institutionalization and confinement, and not their "mental illness", we continuously work with them in a daily basis in order to help them regain the lost time and to "relearn how to live."

If you would like to get to know us, you may contact us and ask to be a part of one of our yearly planned social events or become a volunteer with us.

Community Education and Awareness

Having undertaken the difficult task of our residents’ rehabilitation, we were faced with people’s ignorance regarding such issues as mental illness, mental health and confinement. Many people fear our residents, some feel sorry for them.

All this suggests that the stigma of the “mental patient" still exists. This ignorance, fear and prejudice we have wanted to tackle systematically, by "educating" those who are willing to learn.

For this reason, Anima plan and organize various activities:

  • Scientific events and Presentations in different settings.
  • Information campaigns such as ‘Look at me and Ask me anything’.
  • Invitation to embrace the green awareness ribbon, a universal symbol for mental disorders.

About us

ANIMA "AMKE-MKO" is a non-profit, non-governmental organization (NP-NGO) which has been an active member of the mental health community since 2005.

Our philosophy is reflected upon the following principles:

  • Mental health is the well-being and the potential every person has to be able to receive satisfaction from his/her everyday life and not merely the absence of a problem or a disorder (Look up the term in World Health Organisation’s definition).
  • Mental health is depending partially on each individual’s opinion for his/her self and there aren’t ideals that each person should live up to.
  • Mental health is strictly related to economical, social, cultural and political factors, e.g. suicide cannot be considered as a mental disorder in times of crisis, it’s a much more complicated issue that needs effective management.
  • We are strongly convinced that unconditional acceptance, empathy and genuineness constitute an environment in which a person can achieve the maximum of his/her potential without inhibitions and guilt and eventually achieve personal fulfilment.
  • Multifaceted information is the first step that can lead to proper healthcare and support for people with psychosocial problems.
  • Any kind of intervention involving a human being requires his/her consent, after he/she has been fully informed regarding the consequences of the intervention to his/her personal and social life aspects. The consent cannot be derived indirectly or by hiding part of the truth from the person, with the excuse that this is in his/her own best interest, while in reality his/her own opinion is not taken into consideration.
  • Each person, regardless of the psychosocial treatment he/ she might need in order to improve his /her life, can become productive member of society with equal rights.
  • Human freedom of choice is not illusory, is an undeniable fact that respects others’choices as well.
  • Scientific knowledge is constantly evolving, so we have to change, to adapt, and to be informed of the latest advances in order to be effective in our work.
  • We reject violence in all its forms, physical, psychological, verbal.
  • We believe that the principles we advocate for need to be a part of our everyday life and not just for incitement to third parties.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments.



We would like to thank all of our sponsors for their unwavering support and cooperation!